Tom Swindle

People have often asked me what my abstract paintings mean. They don’t mean anything. When I paint, it’s all about the process, not the finished results. It’s up to the observer to decide any meaning to them.

The beauty of freedom of association is that you aren’t bound to any visual influence. You can paint only what you feel and although we are all influenced by someone else’s style, we can spin our own take on it and develop a style of our own. My influences are Kandinski, Klein, and DeKooning, as well as Pollock, Gorky, and Twombly.

My interests are quite broad and I incorporate several styles in my work, as well as materials and techniques. Most often you will find, painting, collage, drawing, and sculpture within a single piece. Typically, my work and processes are not well thought out, so as to allow the process itself to take on a life form of its own and develop into something. Hence, the freedom of association seeks its own influence, style, and development simultaneously to create a finished work.

PO Box 262
Sabine Pass, TX 77655