TASI gears up for post-pandemic art events

The Art Studio, Inc., in response to the global coronavirus pandemic, has revised its schedule of events for the rest of the year, including canceling the Alternative Show, originally slated for June, as well as the Summer ArtSkool kids’ camp.

However, plans are underway to be ready for the start of the 2020-21 exhibition season in September.

“We are responsible members of the community and want to be leaders when it comes to keeping our artists and our patrons healthy,” Stephan Malick, TASI board chairman, said. “But we also want to be on the forefront of opening up the arts when the time is right.”

The Studio’s annual membership show, “TASIMJAE,” which is traditionally been held in April has been moved to September, in the spot normally reserved for the Tenants Show.

In addition to TASIMJAE, September is when TASI hosts its annual “State of the Studio” meeting exclusively for TASI members, tenants, patrons, artists, board members, and any member of the general public to hear details of the past year’s events of the organization. It is also an opportunity to hear details of upcoming TASI plans and projects — from exhibits to infrastructure and capital projects. The date is tentatively set for Tuesday, Sept. 15 to coincide with the month’s regular board meeting.

“TASIMJAE will serve as the opening show for the new season,” Malick said. “The Tenants Show celebrates the work of our resident artists, so it makes sense to move the show that celebrates our entire membership to that position. Hopefully, we will be able to come together and really celebrate our arts community.”

Submissions will be accepted in person Aug. 25-28 at The Studio, 720 Franklin St. in downtown Beaumont. Dennis Nance, Galveston Arts Center curator, will be the juror. Visit artstudio.org for details.

The Tenants Show will be incorporated into the annual Holiday Shop-O-Rama Extravaganza in December. The show will open Dec. 3 to coincide with First Thursday celebrations, and will run for three consecutive days.

Rachel Wright will be the exhibiting artist in October in the main gallery. Her show was on the original schedule. In addition, tenant Elizabeth Fontenot will show paintings and prints in the pop-up gallery.

In November, Saleela Siddiq will finally get her reward for winning TASIMJAE 2019. Her show was originally scheduled for May, following TASIMJAE 2020, the traditional spot for the previous year’s winner. Trisha Faye will be November’s exhibiting artist in the pop-up gallery.

The Shop-O-Rama Extravaganza/Tenant Show will begin on Dec. 3 to coincide with the city’s First Thursday celebrations.

Visit The Studio’s website for details on Band Nites. An online event is being planned, and Busceme said he hopes to continue steaming music when the shows return to in-person events.

“Even after we have live audiences once again, we will still stream the shows and performances,” he said. “The sight of seeing Russian workers dancing to a band playing at The Sstudio was a moment of clarity. I saw the future of The Sstudio and its ability to affect many more people on a greater scale.” 

Busceme said that rather than expect things to return to where they were pre-COVID-19, The Studio will draw on one of its strengths, its adaptability. The Studio is setting up virtual shows that can be streamed, as well other ways to get art to the Southeast Texas community.

“We are seeing the value of these things and will continue them when things get back to normal,” he said. “I don’t think it will ever be back to ‘normal.’ Moments change things forever — and we adapted.”

Busceme said it is important that patrons know that The Studio has instituted measures to protect visitors and artists at the facility and plans to keep those measures in place.

“As the CDC suggests, we have already set up entry precautions,” he said. “(TASI is taking people’s temperatures when they enter), and hand sanitizer and masks will be required for as long as is recommended, as well as social distancing. When I was in Japan (in summer 2019) it was very common to see masks on people who have a cold or congestion, so it again might be a good habit we hold on to. 

“It makes sense that people would use masks during the heavy pollen season in spring, or when they are sick or around someone who is. It depends on our discipline to consider others over ourselves.” 

The Art Studio will be closed to the public for the summer and will not be accepting any new tenants until the fall, Busceme said. However, as guidelines for opening up the community shift, there may be events planned — both virtually and in-person. Follow TASI’s Facebook page or visit the artstudio.org for details.