MIST: Spare Time Jewelery

Pictures by Spare Time Jewelry

We interviewed Melissa DeGarmo of Spare Time Jewelry on her experience with SETX and jewelry making:

What draws you to SETX?

“I’ve lived here my whole life. The biggest reward about living in a smaller area like SETX…is that you get to know so many talented people. This area is insanely rich in musicians, artists, chefs, brewmasters, athletes, and the list goes on. This area is definitely not lacking in anything.”

How long have you been making jewelry/doing art?

“I’ve been creating art since I could hold a crayon! About six years ago I started making my own jewelry, and about a year later, I was encouraged to start making jewelry for other[s].”

What inspires your art?

“Literally everything around me. I’d say that I’m most heavily inspired by nature, old dilapidated objects, and anything vintage.”

What kind of message do you hope to send with your art?

“My whole life I’ve been an oddball. A lot of my jewelry is outside the norm of what people typically wear. I want people to know that it’s okay to dress, act, and do the things that aren’t always what everyone else is doing. I try to make each piece a little different…to where it’s special to the person who picks it out. We’re all unique in our own way, but I love when they have that one thing that makes them realize it.”

Do you have any vision or goals for the area (SETX)?

“In the past few years this area has grown so much. I have every bit of confidence that [we’ll] continue to grow because of advocates like the Art Studio, the Music Studio, Boomtown Market, etc. that are coordinating events [for] vendors to set up and sell their art. My…vision would be to continue to keep the art and music community strong.”

Where can people see and access your jewelry if interested?

“I’m on Facebook under Spare Time Jewelry and my Instagram handle is @spare_time_jewelry.

Anything you would like to add or mention about yourself or the art?

“Believe it or not, I’m incredibly shy. Even though I’ve learned to be great at socializing, it took a lot of putting myself out there to overcome my insecurities. A lot of times…people see my jewelry and say, ‘I love this! But it’ll never look good on me.” Or, ‘I could never pull that off!’ But I’m telling you, YES YOU CAN! It’s all about confidence and believing in yourself.”