by TASI Executive Director, Greg Busceme, Sr.

This month’s IOI is dedicated to all things clay. Planning on firing our large reduction kiln, built with the leadership of Gary “Greeny” Greenberg many months ago, and waiting for ware to fill the firing chamber. We are experimenting with lower temperature firings measured by utilizing small clay stems called pyrometric cones which bend over when the temperature is reached. Lower cones are certainly economical, but also working with lower temperatures offers a different variety of effects, which means instead of firing at 2,356 degrees we may only drop to 1,560 which will change everything about the results of the firing. It also takes a much longer time for the kiln to reach the higher cone temperatures.
Although the firing is “seat of the pants” as far as control, constant observation is the key to having a successful firing. I will attempt to give our friends on FB a heads up when we light the kiln. It will take 20-30 hours to complete a cone 10 or cone 6 firing so there is plenty of time to visit, observe and watch the kiln. Sit with me and find out what completes my life.