by TASI Executive Director, Greg Busceme, Sr.

The art community does not live in a vacuum. We are affected by events in the world, events in our country, and mostly, what happens in our community. The disturbing trend of libraries being forced to remove literature that addresses the vast array of alternate lifestyles reflected in the LGBTQ+ community is not in agreement with the notion of individuality that is the core of our constitution. Artists have been marginalized since the 1980’s when Reagan became President, and the repression of the liberal movement began. As usual, the attack begins with some erroneous statement however untrue it is; repeat the statement ad nauseum until people feel it is true.
I will say that the political strife will affect the arts as legislation is thwarted and appropriations for the arts and cultural programs are reduced or considered too esoteric for their blood. This is happening to the LGBTQ+ community and our creative community of drag queens. This community is targeted politically for no other reason than they are most vulnerable. A staple of any event, queens have been performing in Beaumont since the beginning of time. Can you say The Farmhouse or the Copa? We have ALWAYS had a drag show at the Beaux Arts Ball and we will continue to do so. We will also continue to present unfiltered, original work from the artists in our community and provide a voice for everyone who loves the arts. Our mission is to provide a facility where artists can develop their skills. We are here to clarify the voice of artists who dare to bring life and beauty into this world through their open eyes. This treasure we have as an arts community is nothing short of amazing! The group who comes to the Gumbo Clay fest attests to that. Our bar as a creative collective has been set, now let’s see how high we can raise it.
I truly believe that through the arts lives can be saved. I wrote last month about recent studies that seem to have proof that art has a unique effect on the brain. Artistic activity with no skills required increases function of the mind and how we think. We always knew that art had a therapeutic effect but now that we better understand it, we can do more to improve what we can do for people who come to enjoy that which makes us human – ART.
“When one learns to take leisurely what others takes seriously, one can take seriously about what others take leisurely.”
-from a book of Eastern sayings