by TASI Executive Director, Greg Busceme, Sr.

The Gumbo ClayFest 2023 has a new partner in Edaren Foundation. Through the Edaren Foundation we were able to bring more visiting artists than last year – Tom Belden and Chris Leonard, welcome aboard! This year’s activities include building a new reduction kiln along with a variety of hands-on activities and demonstrations on the ceramic process. Patsy Cox, Steven Erickson, Stephen Wolochowicz, Danielle Weigandt, and Gary Greenberg will make return appearances. I want everyone to enjoy this unique experience and show these amazing artists our enthusiasm and interest. There is so much to learn in this workshop and a rare opportunity to have face time with all these skilled artists! Anyone who has taken a clay class will absolutely benefit from these knowledgeable experts. Not only that, but They also love what they do!
This gathering of like-minded people is much more than fun times and a learning experience, although there is nothing wrong with that! There is a serious side to what artists are doing worldwide. Artists advance the culture of our society; they mark history, challenge social mores, and draw attention to inequities in our society. Artists also bring delight and awe at the phenomenal work being produced. in our community. Artists need to feel empowered and protected in what they do. Artists stand just outside the mercurial, temporal, contemporary, trends expressed by social media – observing but not indulging! These gatherings are a way to keep artists connected with their fellow artists and pull the reclusive visual artist out of their comfort zone (studio) and into facetime with other artists. This connection is imperative to build a strong and cohesive arts community and that is why we have such great participation in all the shows around town! Art is to be enjoyed. By the viewer and the artist.
Gumbo ClayFest is a start of something wonderful and I hope everyone comes to visit and meet these phenomenal artists and take advantage of their willingness to share their time with us.