by TASI Executive Director, Greg Busceme, Sr.

Happy new year and I hope everyone’s holiday season was a safe and rewarding experience. The Studio has fared well through this year with many new artists taking up studios, new programs have been initiated with mental health and support as the primary objective, and we are thrilled for this new wrinkle of the arts.
What I am about to talk about should not be construed as a put down on any organizations or municipality. I am simply concerned with getting the record straight.
Some people think that TASI is financially supported by the city of Beaumont. This is absolutely not true! The city supports the Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont Art League, and other viable organizations but TASI is not one of them. Although we do get occasional funding from Community Development Block Grants and from the Southeast Texas Arts Council, there is no support from them for general operations, insurance, security, basic repairs, or maintenance on our facilities.
We are the only non-profit arts organization who has sustained its 42 year existence purely on our own tenacity, work ethic, and savvy. TASI has made and continues to make a significant impact on our regional arts community that shifted the dynamic of the visual arts toward a more progressive and inclusive community open to anyone who is interested in the Visual, Performing, or Literary Arts. Our mission is to support the efforts of beginning artists to advance their art and careers through a supportive and positive community.