Category Archives: Studio Ink

CALLING ALL ARTISTS! for “Look What I Can Do!” a new festival of interactive artist demonstrations at TASI!

We are looking for artists and makers in the SETX region to participate in a new event called “Look What I Can Do”! It will be a live interactive art demonstration festival where participating artists will interact and demonstrate their process to the public. This is a free event for artists to market themselves to the community and have a chance interact with other artists as well. We are looking for artists of all mediums and styles. This opportunity is available to any artists, artisans, craftspeople, or local organizations!

Upcoming Exhibition: “A Sight To Sea” by Shawna Hunter opens First Thursday, March 7

I would say my art is close to “Fauvism” style; vivid colors and simplified subjects. I paint on canvas, material, metal, and wood wood with acrylics. This show, I do have some sea glass with epoxy pieces. I have a wide range of subjects I like to paint, but ocean animals are my favorite. While making no attempt to illustrate actual sea life in my painting, I want my creations to look alive. Living with beautiful works of art, reminds us to slow down and reconnect with nature, even if it’s just for a moment.