Category Archives: Studio Ink

INK ON INC. – July 2023

At 40 years old TASI is finally growing up! Don’t worry, we won’t let our maturity stop our zany antics at Band Nite; art openings will always be casual with engaging conversations and beautiful people. We will always be our fun-loving goofy selves. What you will find is vast improvements financially as we have moved to

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June 24: SUMMER GOTH Band Nite

For June, the theme is + GOTHS IN SUMMER +
This will be the FINAL Band Nite until the Fall, so let’s lay it to rest in style. Wear your darkest duds and celebrate the death of the season by howling at the moon! The bands might not be playing goth music, but why would that stop you from expressing yourself?? We are hoping to see all manner of goth culture represented on this night. (Don’t worry, normies are welcome too – come as you are!)