Author Archives: artstudio

‘Acquae Obscurae’

Art show, party explores mythological Neches River critters // March 1 – 29, 2014

In 1894, Sir Randolph Foxton-Twickenbush, the great British adventurer, steered the steamship “Good Queen Bess” into the mouth of the mighty Neches River in search of the broad-mouthed squintabass, a creature so huge and so fearsome that no one who had encountered it had survived to tell the tale.

TASI darkroom opens

The Art Studio, Inc. has revamped its darkroom facility. Access to the darkroom is open to all members of The Art Studio for a fee of $35 a month, photographer Joe Winston said. “The aim is to get people to sign up for monthly usage access and to get everyone up to speed on the basics

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