Author Archives: artstudio

YOU CAN LEARN Film Photography, Developing, and Printing in TASI’s Darkroom! Sign up for classes TODAY!

Two chances to learn the art of film photography from one of our skilled TASI Darkroom Tenants, and one starts this very weekend! If you’ve ever been interested in what it takes to capture, develop, and print your own film photographs, NOW is the time to learn! Both courses currently on the schedule are extremely exclusive, only FOUR spots available! So sign up now to make sure you can be one of them!

INK ON INC. – October 2023

I think the arts have some far-reaching effects that can give anyone a sense of satisfaction, a sense of self, and a growing confidence that allows all of us to be comfortable in our own skin. Our exhibition “The Art of Mental Health” gives the rest of us a peek into the thoughts, feelings and struggles of a unique community who benefit so much with something as simple as art.