A View from the Top

Happy new year everyone. I hope you all had an eventful and enjoyable holiday season. It is a time to reconnect and refresh ideas and commitments, establish old ties and create new ones.  Here at The Studio, we seemed to do all those things  in a very short period of  little more than a month — some good, some not so good.

We lost a very dear friend and fellow artist, Byron  O’Quinn. Byron passed away from a heart infection at the early age of 32. As a younger man he, Heather Eager, Tim  Postlewait and others were my apprentices who helped with all sorts of activities at The Studio  when they were young teens. Later he became a potter at Lamar University and became proficient at his craft. He was open and good and gregarious, and had many people who loved him. He died way too soon. Our condolences to his family and friends, he will be remembered.

Christmas night saw a gathering of what is now a tradition at The Studio — our annual Band Nite and Studio reunion. After the gifts and the meals of the holidays, people young and old gather at The Studio to meet and greet with old friends and make new ones. Folks from out of town get to find their cronies and find out what’s new, have a drink, hug — I love being there, seeing kids that have grown, finding out how they learned to negotiate this world that they feared in their youth. Realizing their success has in some small way been assisted by The Studio’s existence.

I watch as the new generation takes hold and willfully guide The Studio in directions that are familiar but take a new path. This is the way of the world. If we do things right, each generation will take the helm and make this ship theirs. I sit among the talk and the laughter and the love and smile.

By the time you get this ISSUE the annual Beaux Arts Ball will already have happened. As I write, we are near the eve of that delightful day, and anticipate the successful outcome of long, diligent planning and arduous work to make this event a memorable occasion. As Surrealism is our theme, we hope that people learn about this interesting and eerie genre that is born from the science of modern psychology and the theory of relativity. New revelations into the real world always affects artist and their work, and we hope people find this a new vista in the art experience. Look for the photos starting on page 8.

We don’t do many fundraisers. Most of our events are free or nearly so. We have monthly or weekly events that serve the artistic community and the general public, and all come at a rapid pace demanding well-timed precision to have each come off right. I need to recognize the assistance of our board of directors, but if you will indulge me I would like to especially recognize the chair of this event. my love my daughter Olivia Grace Busceme. She unwillingly took this task on and as you have seen by now did an amazing job of coordinating all the events that have transpired that night. Speaking in the future using a past tense is crazy, but I know she will pull this off because she has so many people working with her who respect her ability as I do. For 11 years she singlehandedly put together 9-10 band nights a year, each coming off without a hitch. Any unforeseen mistake handled and resolved. Her determination inspires me and everyone around her. She made secure inroads to the next generation to be a part of The Studio and we welcome that happy event.

I also want to thank all the creative actors of this event ,the clothing designer and the models, actors and DJs, performers and avatars. Each has put their heart and soul to make this the great event I know it will be. Thank you everyone for taking your precious time. Without it we would be only a building.

Greg Busceme, TASI director